Keeping your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers in place while you reach up the fretboard with your 4th finger might post a greater challenge, however! Try to do some hand exercises and pinky drills to build your dexterity if you're having issues. Place your 4th finger on the 2nd string/4th fretĪvoiding the 5th and 6th string for this voicing shouldn't be too difficult. Place your 3rd finger on the 1st string/3rd fret Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd string/3rd fret Place your 1st finger on the 4th string/1st fret Unlike some other chords, which have a plethora of open position variations you can learn, there's only one go-to that most guitarists make use of for Eb in open position, and it'll require a bit of a stretch: Eb guitar chord Like most other chords, there are a few easy ways to go about Eb, and a few challenging ones as well, so let's get into it. Jazz players are a bit more likely to encounter Eb Major, but even if you mostly stick to rock, blues, and pop, you'll want to have this chord (and its many voicings) at your disposal, so you aren't caught unawares. You’ll get guitar news, information and lessons (plus the chord of the week) delivered direct to your inbox, free of charge.In this lesson, we'll be taking a look at the Eb Major chord, which consists of three notes: "Eb," "G," and "Bb." It's not what you'd consider the most popular of chords, and, depending on what genre you're into, you might run into it only occasionally. If you have enjoyed reading about this major 9th chord shape, please subscribe using the form at the side of this page. More Chord Information: Last Week’s Guitar Chord Of The Week. Play the first four chords twice, then end on the major ninth chord for an ‘open’, jazzy sound. The Major 9th Chord is a nice chord to end a song with. You can do this either by simply avoiding playing them in your strumming, or by muting the bottom string with the thumb, and the top string with your index finger. Like last week’s minor 7th flat five chord, the major 9th shape omits the top and bottom strings. Use this fretboard chart if you are unsure of where the notes are located.

Position the blue note on the diagram over the desired root note on the fretboard. This week’s major ninth chord is a movable shape. the diagram below shows how it works: C Major 9th Chord Construction Therefore, a C major ninth chord will contain the notes: C, E, G, B (the major 7th notes), plus a D (the ninth).

The only difference is that major 9th chords have an additional note: the ninth. Major 9th chords are similar to major 7th chords. Major 9th Chord Major 9th Chord Diagram, Root Note Shown In Blue