Digital activation strategy
Digital activation strategy

digital activation strategy

Our role as digital strategy consultants is to enable IT and business leaders to work backwards from their business objectives to ensure that they don’t just become IT Modernisation plans but truly improve operating efficiency and transform the customer experience.” Most of the time, this starts with “are we in good enough shape to meet our commercial needs” “Digitalisation or Digital Transformation is a “human endeavour” which more often than not is handed to the IT department. While working across the organisation, it becomes apparent that it needs to be part of a clear vision and strategy to deliver more return and multiply the value of our engagement.

digital activation strategy

We are often called to drive and implement a specific operational fix. While a focused action can be a solution, it is a great opportunity to use it as a springboard to outline a clear vision from the top and deliver change through consistency of purpose. If you are currently struggling with effecting digital change in your organisation, it is reassuring to know that you are not alone at Digital Works Group we frequently come across senior executives from diverse industries trying to get to grips with driving change in their organisations.įrom experience, a crisis usually drives a need and urgency to act. Ultimately this will propel you to start (or reignite) your transformation journey. Your vision and strategy allow you to cement and communicate who you aspire to be, set your objectives and targets and provide you with a company-wide focus and road-map for how you are going to get there.

digital activation strategy

In this blog, we are going to share proven insights on a major critical success factor required for successful digital transformation – creating your clear vision and strategy, objectives and targets.

Digital activation strategy